Hadoop 3.4.0 winutils for Windows 10 (x64)

Kontext Kontext event 2022-12-11 visibility 16,987

Winutils is required when installing Hadoop on Windows environment. This article provides the link to download Hadoop 3.4.0 winutils binaries. As Hadoop 3.4.0 is not published yet, this was built based on the latest trunk branch of Hadoop repository when this article is published (commit a71aaef). We will rebuild it when it is officially refreshed.

Hadoop 3.4.0 winutils

I've compiled Hadoop 3.3.1 on Windows 10 using CMake and Visual Studio (MSVC x64).

Follow these two steps to download it:

  1. https://github.com/kontext-tech/winutils
  2. Go to subfolder hadoop-3.4.0-win10-x64/bin to download the binaries. 
warning These binaries are provided for testing and learning purposes and no guarantees are provided. Please don't use it on production environments. 

Verify the tool

You can run the winutils.exe program in your Windows PC to make sure it works as the following screenshot shows:



If you encounter any issues, please comment here.

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