Get List of Tables/Views and Schema in BigQuery
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Data analytics with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). For BigQuery SQL mentioned in the articles, they are all using standard SQL dialect unless specified differently.
BigQuery provides system views to get a list of tables and views in a certain dataset.
The following query retrieves all the tables and views in dataset named `test`:
SELECT * FROM `test`.__TABLES__;
- Project ID
- Dataset ID
- Object creation time
- Last modification time
- Record count (for tables)
- Size in bytes (for tables)
- Type: 1 - table; 2- View
Retrieve object schema
Sometimes it is useful to retrieve the schema information of an object in BigQuery.
There are system views can be used to retrieve metadata information.
Retrieve table and view list
The results looks similar to the following screenshot:
Retrieve table schema
The following query returns the schema metadata of table dim_customer in dataset test.
SELECT * EXCEPT(table_catalog) FROM test.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name='dim_customer' AND table_schema='test';
The output shows all the columns in table test.dim_customer:
Getting table metadata using INFORMATION_SCHEMA | BigQuery (