Spark Scala: Load Data from MySQL

Raymond Raymond event 2021-01-24 visibility 3,324
Spark Scala: Load Data from MySQL

In article Connect to MySQL in Spark (PySpark),  I showed how to connect to MySQL in PySpark. In this article, I will directly use JDBC driver to load data from MySQL database with Scala.


Download JDBC driver

Download JDBC Driver for MySQL from the following website:

MySQL :: Download Connector/J

Copy the driver into the folder where you are going to run the Scala scripts. For this demo, the driver path is ‘F:\lib\mysql-connector-java-8.0.23\mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar’.

infoThe following example uses spark-shell to use JDBC driver of MySQL. You can directly invoke it in a Scala project. 

Connect to MySQL

Follow these steps to setup Spark session and then read the data via JDBC.

1) Added JDBC jars into Java classpath

The sample code runs in Spark Shell. JAR file is specified in spark-shell command. In a Scala script file, JAR files can be added directly when creating Spark session.

spark-shell --jars "F:\lib\mysql-connector-java-8.0.23\mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar" -c spark.ui.port=11111

Location 'F:\lib\mysql-connector-java-8.0.23' is where MySQL JDBC driver is stored in my system.

2) Setup database connection variables

val database = "test_db"
val table = "test_table"
val user = "hive"
val password  = "hive"
val connString = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:10101/"+database
warning Port number is specified as 10101 since it is not the default mysqld port number 3306.

3) Load data via JDBC

val jdbcDF = ("jdbc")
.option("url", connString)
.option("dbtable", table)
.option("user", user)
.option("password", password) 
.option("driver", "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver") 

The above code snippet reads data from table test_table in database test_db in a local MySQL instance. 

infoDepends on the JDBC driver version, the driver class name can be different. For example, in earlier version, the class name is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver instead of com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver.

4) Show the DataFrame


The output looks like the following:

| id|   value|
|  0|Record 0|
|  1|Record 1|
|  2|Record 2|
|  3|Record 3|
|  4|Record 4|

Let me know if you encounter any issues if you have any questions.

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