Working with Databases and Files in R
insights Stats
R provides rich APIs to interact with source data such as databases and files (CSV, XML, JSON, etc.) With SparklyR, R can also be used to interact with big data platforms like Hadoop. This articles shows examples about using R to load data from relational databases and text files.
Data interface summary
The following table is a summary of R packages for accessing data in different sources.
Data Source | Library/Package | Functions |
CSV | utils | read.table, read.csv, read.csv2, read.delim, read.delim2 write.table, write.csv, write.csv2 |
Excel | xlsx | read.xlsx |
Binary | base | writeBin(object, con) readBin(con, what, n ) |
XML | XML | xmlParse, xmlRoot, xmlSize, xmlToDataFrame … |
JSON | rjson | fromJSON, |
Web resources | Rcurl, stringr | getHTMLLinks, links, l_ply |
Database | RMySQL, RSQLServer, ROracle, RSQLite… | dbConnect, dbListTables, dbSendQuery, fetch |
Load CSV file
The following example performs these actions in sequence:
- Load CSV file
- Perform calculations/aggregations
- Save the result into CSV file
The input CSV file 'SalesData.csv' has the following content:
Month,Product,Quantities,Amount 2017-07,Vitamin A,100,1700 2017-07,Vitamin E,50,900 2017-08,Vitamin A,100,1700 2017-09,Vitamin A,90,1500 2017-09,Vitamin B,500,3123
Code snippet
The following code is the implementation (script R24.WorkWithCSV.R):
# Load CSV getwd() require(utils) ( salesData <- read.csv("R24/SalesData.csv", header = TRUE, sep=",") ) require(reshape) # Melt data first ( moltenSalesData <- melt(salesData, id=c("Month"), measure=c("Quantities","Amount")) ) # aggregation by month ( aggSalesData <- cast(moltenSalesData, Month ~ variable, sum, ) ) # Set factor labels for display aggSalesData$Month <- factor(aggSalesData$Month, labels = c('2017-JUL','2017-AUG','2017-SEP')) aggSalesData # Save data write.csv(aggSalesData,file="R24/AggSalesData.csv", quote=FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
Sample output
After the above script is executed, a new file named 'AggSalesData.csv' is generated with the following content:
Connect to SQL Server database via ODBC
There are many packages available in R to connect to databases. The section provides one example of interacting with SQL Server database via 'odbc' package.
For interacting with databases, these DBI functions are provided:
- dbConnect
- dbGetInfo
- dbListTables
- dbReadTable
- dbSendStatement
- dbHasCompleted
- dbGetRowsAffected
- dbClearResult
- dbSendQuery
- dbFetch
- dbDisconnect
- ...
Code snippet
The following code snippet (script R25.Database.R) install odbc package and then use it to establish a database connection; once the database connection is established, it is then used to read data from table 'SalesData'. Insert statements are also executed to insert data into the database. The script also shows different ways to loading data from database as data frame.
if("odbc" %in% installed.packages()) { print("odbc is installed.") }else { print("odbc is not installed.") install.packages("odbc") } require(odbc) # establish connection con <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), .connection_string = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RTutorials;Trusted_Connection=True;") # get database info dbGetInfo(con) # list tables dbListTables(con) # read table dbReadTable(con, "SalesData") # DML statements rs <- dbSendStatement(con, "INSERT [dbo].[SalesData] ([Month], [Product], [Quantitites], [Amount]) VALUES (N'2017-09', N'Vitamin C', 500, CAST(3123.00 AS Numeric(20, 2)))") dbHasCompleted(rs) dbGetRowsAffected(rs) dbClearResult(rs) # Select statements with dbFetch() rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM SalesData;") dbFetch(rs) dbClearResult(rs) # disconnect dbDisconnect(con)
SQL scripts to create the database
USE [RTutorials] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[SalesData] Script Date: 3/12/2017 5:10:17 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SalesData]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SalesData]( [Month] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [Product] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [Quantitites] [int] NOT NULL, [Amount] [numeric](20, 2) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] END GO INSERT [dbo].[SalesData] ([Month], [Product], [Quantitites], [Amount]) VALUES (N'2017-07', N'Vitamin A', 100, CAST(1700.00 AS Numeric(20, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[SalesData] ([Month], [Product], [Quantitites], [Amount]) VALUES (N'2017-07', N'Vitamin E', 50, CAST(900.00 AS Numeric(20, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[SalesData] ([Month], [Product], [Quantitites], [Amount]) VALUES (N'2017-08', N'Vitamin A', 100, CAST(1700.00 AS Numeric(20, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[SalesData] ([Month], [Product], [Quantitites], [Amount]) VALUES (N'2017-09', N'Vitamin A', 90, CAST(1500.00 AS Numeric(20, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[SalesData] ([Month], [Product], [Quantitites], [Amount]) VALUES (N'2017-09', N'Vitamin B', 500, CAST(3123.00 AS Numeric(20, 2))) GO select * from dbo.SalesData
It's critical to understand how to interact with different data source formats as they are the input for most of our R processes. Let me know if you have any questions or encounter any issues using these data APIs.