Kontext help centre
Help information about Kontext.
people_outline Account
Kontext account enables users to enjoy Kontext content and services easily.
edit Column
Column is like a mini-blog where you can publish articles.
comment Comments
Add a comment on forum threads or column articles.
notifications_none Notifications
Get notified when users like or comment on your posts.
settings Settings
Customise your experience on Kontext website.
Kontext account help
Kontext account enables users to use Kontext features easily. Follow this documentation to learn how to create and use your Kontext account efficiently.
Create account
Follow these steps to create a Kontext account.
- Navigate to page Register.
- Input details: email, first name, last name (optional), password, confirm password and captcha code.
- Agree to Kontext's privacy and cookie policy and terms.
- Click Register button to submit the request.
- An confirmation email will be sent out to the email address provided.
- Click Confirm email button in the email to activate your account.
- You will able to login with your password and email address.
Login with email and password
In Kontext, you can log in with Microsoft or Google account directly. Alternatively, you can also log in with local Kontext account.
- Navigate to page Log in.
- Input email, password and captcha code accordingly.
- Check option Remember me? if you want to keep logged on. Please don't use this option on a public computer.
- Click Log in button to log in.
Forgot your password
If you have forgot your password, follow these steps to reset your password.
- Navigate to page Forgot your password?.
- Input your Email.
- Click Submit button to send the password reset link to your email.
- An email will be sent to your inbox.
- Click Reset password button in the email.
- Input your email, password and confirm password on the password reset screen.
- Click button Reset to reset your password.
Update account details
- Navigate to page Account.
- Input your new details.
- Click button Save to save the changes.
Update password
To change your password, follow these steps.
- Navigate to page Password.
- Input your current password, new password and new password confirmation.
- Click button Update password to save the changes.
Manage external logins
Kontext supports external logins using OAuth. Currently, Microsoft and Google accounts are supported.
To manage external logins, go to page External logins.
Two-factor authentication
For better security, Kontext strongly suggests you to enable two factor authentication (2FA).
Details are provided on page Two-factor authentication (2FA).
Download personal data
To download your personal data, follow these steps.
- Navigate to page Personal data.
- Click Download button to download your personal data.
Delete account
To delete Kontext account, follow these steps.
- Navigate to page Personal data.
- Click button Delete to continue.
- Input your current password.
- Click button Delete to delete all your data.
- Your data will be deleted accordingly to Kontext policy.
Kontext column help
Columns are for users to publish articles. Some columns are only available to registered users or administrators, thus they are not accessible to anonymous users.
Create column
Column is like a mini-blog where users can publish articles. Kontext users can create multiple columns for different domain knowledge.
- Navigate to page My dashboard.
- Click button Add column.
- Input column title, slug and short description and tags (optional).
- In Settings, Input access level and licence/terms accordingly. There are three access levels:
- Public - everyone can access the article.
- Members only - only logged on users can access it.
- Administrators only - only you and administrators can access it.
- Check Allow comments option to allow users to comment on your column. If it is not selected, users won't be able to add comment on the articles in the column unless it is enabled in each article.
- Click button Create to finishing creating columns.
Edit column
Column details can be updated.
- Navigate to page Columns.
- Find the column you want to edit.
- Click menu option icon
on the right top corner of the column card.
- Click Edit menu item in the dropdown popup menu:
- Update column details.
- Click button Update to save changes.
Create column article
- Navigate to one of your columns where you want to publish article.
- Click button Write article.
- Input article title, short description, content, language code and tags (optional).
- Select access level for the article.
- Check Allow comments option to allow users to comment on your article. If it is not selected, users won't be able to add comment.
- Click button Publish to publish the article. You can also click Save as draft button to save the article as drafts. For drafts, you can publish them on page Articles.
Edit column article
Published articles or drafts can be edited.
- Navigate to page Articles.
- Find the article you want to edit.
- Click menu option icon
on the right top corner of the article card.
- Click Edit menu item in the dropdown popup menu:
- Update article details.
- Click Update and publish button to save changes. For drafts, you can also click Save as draft button to save the changes but not to publish the article.
Delete column article
At the moment, article is able to be deleted by the administrators or original column owner.
- Navigate to page Articles.
- Find the article you want to delete.
- Click menu option icon
on the right top corner of the article card.
- Click Delete menu item in the dropdown popup menu:
- Click Delete button to delete the article.
Kontext comments
Comments are enabled for Forum and Column features.
Add comment
On Column article page, comment can be directly added after user is logged on.
Enter comment title and details and then click Add button to submit the comment.
To reply to an existing comment, click button on the right bottom corner of the comment. The page will jump to
Add comment page as the following screenshot shows:
Click Create button to finishing creating comment.
Edit comment
Existing comments can be edited.
- Go go Comments page.
- Find out the comment you'd like to edit.
- Click icon button
of the comment card.
- On the dropdown menu, click Edit menu item.
- Click Update button to save the changes.
Delete comment
Comment can be deleted too. Once it is deleted, it cannot be edited again.
- Go go Comments page.
- Find out the comment you'd like to delete.
- Click icon button
of the comment card.
- On the dropdown menu, click Delete menu item.
- Click Delete button to delete the comment.
Kontext notifications
Kontext notifications include messages to article or thread owners when a user likes or add a comment to the post. At the moment, the following actions will trigger a notification:
- When an user likes a Column article or Forum thread.
- When an user makes a comment on a post (for both article and thread).
- When an user replies to a comment published by another user.
View notifications
Once users are logged on, the notification icon on the site navigation bar will show users whether there are unread
Click All notifications link to view all notifications. On this page, all notifications will show.
Mark notification as read
After navigating to Notifications page, click the menu
icon on the right of each notification and
then click Mark as read to mark the notification as read. Alternatively, click the cross sign on the
notification popup to mark notification as read.
Kontext settings
Kontext settings allow you to configure the website theme and also select your preferred display language.
Enable dark theme mode
Dark theme mode is available on Kontext. There are at least three ways to enable dark theme mode.
Approach 1 - My dashboard
Navigate to My dashboard and then toggle Dark theme button in My settings box.
Approach 2 - Nav menu
- Click icon
in site navigation bar.
- From the dropdown menu, toggle Dark theme button.
- Dark theme mode is then enabled instantly.
- Toggle that button again to switch back to light colour mode.
Approach 3 - Site footer
Similarly, you can find the theme toggle button in the site footer section.
You can toggle the button to turn on or turn off Dark theme mode.
Change display language
Two display languages are currently supported on Kontext:
- English
- Chinese (Simplified)
To change display language, follow these steps:
- Go to page Settings.
- Choose your preferred display language from the drop down menu.
- Click Save button to save your changes.