Install Hadoop 3.0.0 on Windows (Single Node)
- Tools and Environment
- Download Binary Package
- UnZip binary package
- Setup environment variables
- Verify your setup
- HDFS configurations
- Edit file hadoop-env.cmd
- Edit file core-site.xml
- Edit file hdfs-site.xml
- Edit file workers
- YARN configurations
- Edit file mapred-site.xml
- Edit file yarn-site.xml
- Initialize environment variables
- Format file system
- Start HDFS daemons
- Start YARN daemons
- Web UIs
- Resource manager
- NameNode UI
- DataNode UI
- Errors and fixes
- Could not locate Hadoop executable: … \hadoop-3.0.0\bin\winutils.exe
- java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:$Windows.access0(Ljava/lang/String;I)
This page summarizes the steps to install Hadoop 3.0.0 on your Windows environment. Reference page:
Install Latest Hadoop 3.2.1 on Windows 10 Step by Step Guide
Tools and Environment
- GIT Bash
- Command Prompt
- Windows 10
Download Binary Package
Download the latest binary from the following site:
In my case, I am saving the file to folder: F:\DataA nalytics
UnZip binary package
Open Git Bash, and change directory (cd) to the folder where you save the binary package and then unzip:
$ cd F:\DataAnalytics
fahao@Raymond-Alienware MINGW64 /f/DataAnalytics
$ tar -xvzf hadoop-3.0.0.tar.gz
In my case, the Hadoop binary is extracted to: F:\DataAnalytics\hadoop-3.0.0
Setup environment variables
Make sure the following environment variables are set correctly:
- JAVA_HOME: pointing to your Java JDK installation folder.
- HADOOP_HOME: pointing to your Hadoop folder in the previous step.
Then add ‘%JAVA_HOME%/bin’ and ‘%HADOOP_HOME%/bin’ into Path environment variable like the following screenshot:
Verify your setup
You should be able to verify your settings via the following command:
F:\DataAnalytics\hadoop-3.0.0>hadoop -version java version "1.8.0_161" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b12, mixed mode)
HDFS configurations
Edit file hadoop-env.cmd
Change this file in %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/hadoop directory to add the following lines at the end of file:
Edit file core-site.xml
Make sure the following configurations are existing:
</property> </configuration>
By default, the above property configuration doesn’t exist.
Edit file hdfs-site.xml
Make sure the following configurations are existing (you can change the file path to your own paths):
</property> </configuration>
The above configurations setup the HFDS locations for storing namespace, logs and data files.
Edit file workers
Ensure the following content is existing:
YARN configurations
Edit file mapred-site.xml
Edit mapred-site.xml under %HADOOP_HOME%\etc\hadoop and add the following configuration, replacing %USERNAME% with your Windows user name.
Edit file yarn-site.xml
Make sure the following entries are existing:
</property> </configuration>
Initialize environment variables
Run hadoop-env.cmd to setup environment variables. For my case, the file path is:
Format file system
Run the following command to format the file system:
hadoop namenode -format
The command should print out some logs like the following (the highlighted path may vary base on your HDFS configurations):
2018-02-18 21:29:41,501 INFO namenode.FSImage: Allocated new BlockPoolId: BP-353327356-
2018-02-18 21:29:41,817 INFO common.Storage: Storage directory F:\DataAnalytics\dfs\namespace_logs has been successfully formatted.
2018-02-18 21:29:41,826 INFO namenode.FSImageFormatProtobuf: Saving image file F:\DataAnalytics\dfs\namespace_logs\current\fsimage.ckpt_0000000000000000000 using no compression
2018-02-18 21:29:41,934 INFO namenode.FSImageFormatProtobuf: Image file F:\DataAnalytics\dfs\namespace_logs\current\fsimage.ckpt_0000000000000000000 of size 390 bytes saved in 0 seconds.
2018-02-18 21:29:41,969 INFO namenode.NNStorageRetentionManager: Going to retain 1 images with txid >= 0
Start HDFS daemons
Run the following command to start the NameNode and DataNode on localhost.
The above command line will open two Command Prompt Windows: one for namenode and another for datanode.
To verify, let’s copy a file to HDFS:
%HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hdfs dfs -put file:///F:/DataAnalytics/test.txt /
And then list the files in HDFS:
%HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hdfs dfs -ls /
You should get some result similiar to the following screenshot:
Start YARN daemons
Start YARN through the following command:
Similar to HDFS, two windows will open:
To verify, we can run the following sample job to count word count:
%HADOOP_HOME%\bin\yarn jar %HADOOP_HOME%\share\hadoop\mapreduce\hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.0.0.jar wordcount /test.txt /out
Web UIs
Resource manager
You can also view your job status through YRAN website. The default path is http://localhost:8088
NameNode UI
Default URL: http://localhost:9870
DataNode UI
Through name node, you can find out all the data nodes. For my case, i only have single data node with UI URL as http://localhost:9864
Errors and fixes Could not locate Hadoop executable: … \hadoop-3.0.0\bin\winutils.exe
Refer to the following page to fix the problem:
This error is the same as the above one.
Refer to ‘Windows binaries for Hadoop versions (built from the git commit ID used for the ASF relase) ‘
For this example, I am using Hadoop 3.0.0.
To fix it, copy over the above directory to %HADOOP_HOME%/bin.
Hi Chong,
Can you show me your core-site.xml configuration file?
My version works with the following settings however was deprecated in 3.0.0 and we'd better use fs.defaultFS.
</property> </configuration>
Can you try change it to localhost?
<configuration> <property> <name>fs.defaultFS</name> <value>hdfs://localhost:19000</value> </property> </configuration>
Hi Raymond,
My core-site.xml has changed to
<configuration> <property> <name>fs.defaultFS</name> <value>hdfs://localhost:19000</value> </property> </configuration>
but the error still persist.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Hi Chong,
I assume you followed all the exact steps?
And also is DFS services running successfully? You should be able to see two Command Prompt windows (one for name node and another for data node) if it is successful. The two windows will print live logs.
Use the following command, you should also able to see the listening port on 19000.
You can also view the portal if it is started: http://localhost:9870.
If not that means the services are not started successfully.
I don't have my 3.0.0 environment in my system so hard to diagnose. However I do have the latest 3.2.1 environment and it is working properly:
Install Latest Hadoop 3.2.1 on Windows 10 Step by Step Guide
Maybe you can try this one and it will give better chance for me to find out any issue as I would have same environment as you.
Hi Raymond,
Yes. the DFS running successfully.
Alright! I will proceed to go for hadoop version 3.2.1 and will notify you in that post if I have any error.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hi Raymond,
Thanks for the blog! It is very useful!
I have an issue at the copy file to HDFS Issue. It stated that "your endpoint configuration is wrong".
May I know is there anyway that I can resolve this issue?
Such a very useful post. Very interesting to read this blog.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome blog.
Hi there,
I have installed the Hadoop 3 as per instructions mentioned above. Please suggest the steps to load data in Hadoop through cmd in windows 10 and also to perform operation on it.
There are many ways to do it:
- hadoop fs commands to copy file from local to HDFS
- Spark or any other frames that can talk with HDFS...
- Sqoop (SQL to Hadoop)
I'm using JDK 8.
I tried setting yarn-nodemanager-opts and yarn-resourcemanager-opts like the link you gave me but no luck the error is still there
Did you follow all the exact steps in my post? It seems like Java path (configured in environment variables) doesn't include some of the jar files Hadoop is using. However. it's hard to debug without access to your environment.
I can't start up the resource manager and node manager
i got the error:
WARN webapp.WebAppContext: Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@53830483{/,file:///C:/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Temp/jetty-,UNAVAILABLE}{/cluster} Unable to provision, see the following errors:
1) Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.JAXBContextResolver.<init>(
at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.RMWebApp.setup(
while locating org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.webapp.JAXBContextResolver
It seems your problem is similar like the following:
Are you using JDK9 or above?
Can you try with JDK 8? I have not tried with JDK 9 or above as it was not fully supported. It may work now but Java 8 is the one recommended from the official website.
Thanks again. I finally installed hadoop on WLS but have problem on this article. in the step
I get error "datanode.DataNode: Exception in secureMain" and there is no resolution over the web :(
I tried your guidelines for installing Hadoop 3.2.0 on my Windows 10 but unfortunately I am unable to start it. I am stuck at the point where you stated the command hadoop namenode -format . I am getting this message at the end of the command Shutting down NameNode at {Username}/
But no descriptive error other than that. Can you help me please?
Hi, this post is about installing 3.0.0 and I have not tried 3.2.0 using this approach yet. Some configuration properties have changed.
Your error message looks like that the Username was not configured correctly due to some reason.
However, since you are using Windows 10, I'd suggest you to follow the post below to install 3.2.0 in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
Install Hadoop 3.2.0 on Windows 10 using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Very well written guide. Thanks for posting this. Hadoop on Windows can be a daunting task. I have had several issues while I install Hadoop 2.9 on my machine. It encouraged me to document the working steps and ended up writing this Blog Post.
Thanks anyway for writing this. It helps a lot of learners out there.
The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set.
Please update C:xxx\hadoop-2.9.1\etc\hadoop\hadoop-env.cmd
DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.
Instead use the hdfs command for it.
The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set.
Please update C:\xxxxxxx \etc\hadoop\hadoop-env.cmd
Please update C:\xxxxxxx\hadoop-env.cmd
please help
Is JAVA_HOME environment variable configured correctly in your system? The value should point to your JDK location.
Hi. thank you for your answer. I found a solution for my problem. If it can help someone, the problem was related to the syntax of my system username. It contains a space. So, to fixe it, you can edit /etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.cmd, at the end of this file, you will find set HADOOP_IDENT_STRING=%USERNAME% , change this with a string that you want but without space. For example: set HADOOP_IDENT_STRING=myuser, the problem will be fixed.
Good morning, I am trying to install hadoop 3.0.1 in my windows but when I want to test my configuration it gives me that error: Error: Can not find or load the main class. Can someone help me please?
Thank you
Did you follow all the steps in this post? For example, you need to ensure winutils tool is installed:
Overwrite your bin folder (%HADOOP_HOME%\bin) with the files from this link:
The current available version is 3.0.0 and I am not very sure whether it can fix the issue for 3.0.1 but worth giving it a try.
@Neil S
No need to apology. I don't have one VM with Windows 7 so I could not verify for you.
I was about to suggest you to create one issue in the GitHub and then I just noticed you already did that.
Let's see how the author would response.
The WinUtils project source code is available here:
You may want to debug it in your system (if you have Visual Studio installed). More specifically, the source code for the command you are invoking is available here:
If I am using Windows 7, I could actually help you to debug.
@Raymond Tang
I have to apologize, I missed the point that you mentioned Windows 10 as the work environment at the begining of the tutorial, so the tutorial is not applied to Windows 7 64 bit.
I'm really sorry about my mistake.
@Raymond Tang
If you ran the command on Windows 10 and you didn't find any problems, then it doesn't contradict with what I wrote and the tutorial is relevant for Windows 10, but if the command "winutils systeminfo" returns the error when running on Windows7 64 bit then it may be beneficial noticing some requirenments in the tutorial that Hadoop 3.0.0 can only be installed on Windows 10 at the moment untill the issue with winutils.exe is not solved for Windows7 64 bit, due to the reason that winutils.exe for Hadoop 3.0.0 still doesn't on Windows7 64 bit.
@Neil S
I have run the command in my system. I didn't get any issue.
@Raymond Tang
I followed all the steps to setup. The problem is played back on Windows7 64bit. If you try issuing a command "winutils systeminfo" in the directory where winutils.exe for Hadoop 3.0.0 is located you will receive an error responce. This does not happen if you do the same with winutils for hadoop 2.6.4 or 2.7.x for instance but unfortunately this version of the executable file is not suitable for Hadoop 3.0.
Unfortunately the issue with the missing winutils.exe in the binary distributive of Hadoop 3.0.0 cannot be solved. The file windows.exe downloaded from the above mentioned mentioned resource causes an error when run with the parameter systeminfo on Windows7 64 bit. The text of the error is PdhAddCounter \Network Interface(*)\Bytes Received/Sec failed with 0xc0000bb8.
Error in GetDiskAndNetwork. Err:1
@Neil S.
The machine I am using is Windows 10 64 bit and it is working properly all the time.
Did you follow all the steps to setup?
Hi Raymond,
Thanks for the blog! It is very useful!
I have an issue at the copy file to HDFS Issue. It stated that "your endpoint configuration is wrong".
May I know is there anyway that I can resolve this issue?